All Small Folk attending on a child's ticket will receive the Toy Factory toy they helped to make with Whittle, Wish & Conker in the Toy Factory as part of their Lapland experience.
This year, our Toy Factory toy is Lepi, the Snow Leopard!
Please note the children will not take the toy away with them as they leave the Toy Factory (these toys are made for operational use only).
Instead, we will discreetly hand accompanying adults one toy per child when they collect their photograph in Departures. The toy will be hidden from small eyes so you can take it home and hide until Christmas Eve thereby delighting your child on Christmas day when they discover Father Christmas has delivered them a special surprise; the toy they helped the elves make!
Please don't forget to collect or check you have the right amount of Lepi snow leopards, you will need to 'deliver' them from Father Christmas on Christmas Eve!
Should you forget to collect Lepi the snow leopard, they can be sent at an additional charge of £6.00 per toy, however, if your visit is very near to Christmas, please be aware that we are unable to guarantee delivery before December 24th.
Complimentary infants do not receive the Toy Factory Toy, however, if you wish to purchase Lepi for your infant, this may be available on the Elf Emporium.